The short answer

We guarantee to provide an apostille on any genuine UK document that is correctly prepared and suitable for legalisation. If your document has not been signed, stamped or certified correctly we will contact you to discuss how to resolve the matter or the best way to obtain a different document. We will work with you and provide assistance or advice to ensure we can legalise the document. If, for any reason, we cannot provide the apostille we will immediately explain why and refund the payment for the apostille. No apostille = no payment!

The longer answer

Is obtaining an Apostille always guaranteed?
No, obtaining an Apostille is not always guaranteed as it does depend on the document you send us. If you send a document we cannot process, we will refund and explain why it cannot be processed in the UK. If we cannot process your document, no UK apostille service will be able to.

What factors could affect the issuance of an Apostille?
Factors that could affect the issuance include the document’s origin, type, and purpose; whether the document has been properly notarised, certified or stamped.

Are there any documents that cannot receive an Apostille?
Yes, certain documents cannot receive an Apostille. These typically include documents executed by diplomatic or consular agents, administrative documents dealing directly with commercial or customs operations, and documents that have not been certified or notarised properly. We cannot add the apostille to most non-UK documents. We issue the UK apostille on UK documents.

What should I do if my document is not eligible for an Apostille?
If your document is not eligible for an Apostille, we will explain why. You may need to seek alternative methods of authentication, such as consulate legalisation or legalisation in the country where the document was issued.

How can I ensure my document will be accepted for an Apostille?
To enhance the likelihood of acceptance, ensure your document is properly notarised, certified or stamped (if necessary), check that it falls within the types of documents eligible for an Apostille, and always contact us for free advice on your document.

Can the Apostille be rejected in the country where I intend to use it?
Whilst it is most unlikely, yes, it’s possible. Even if an Apostille is correctly issued, the authority in the destination country may reject it if it does not meet their specific legal requirements or if there are doubts about its authenticity, or you have submitted the wrong document.

What are the common reasons for an Apostille to be rejected?
Common reasons include discrepancies in the document, lack of necessary stamps or signatures, or the document not being recognised under the law of the country where it is presented.

Where can I get more information or assistance about Apostilles?
For more information or assistance, contact us for FREE advice.